
Ya Kun Kaya Toast

It's been a fantastic an unforgettable ten years, Singapore... but it's now time for me to move on. Singapore, you will always be in my heart and will always be my home, but I'm just going on an extended vacation for a bit.. to London! Things are a bit crazy around the house with all the packing and such, but my family never fails to make time for a quick trip to our absolute favorite coffee stop in Singapore - Ya Kun Kaya Toast.

Kaya toast, frosty coffee and Kopi-C-kosong.
We first ventured here to try a "must try" Singaporean speciality - kaya. In all honesty, I'm not the greatest fan but both my parents, sister and the rest of Singapore is definitely in love with it. Not to worry though, this place has several other options such as peanut butter toast, ice cream toast, frosty blends, milo and the like.

I guess I haven't addressed what exactly kaya toast is. It's two extremely thin and crispy slices of toast (perfectly heated) slathered with a good dose of kaya and slices of cold butter (the best part and a must have!). Kaya is a spread of eggs, sugar, coconut milk and flavored with pandan - yes it sounds weird and exotic.. but I promise you it's not.

When I go with my family, we usually end up ordering the same thing: two plates of kaya toast for my parents and sister to share, iced milo for the sister, frosty coffee for me (better than a Starbucks frappucino!) and two Kopi-C-kosong's (coffee with evaporated milk but no sugar) for my parents. The coffee is potent, delicious and... YUM.
The original kaya toast. Mmmm!
My frosty!!!

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